Lab Renovations Complete

The main construction work on our lab is now complete.  We’re excited to start moving our equipment in once the HVAC is tuned up.  Here’s a tour:

Entrance and Cleanroom Bay
This is where we’ll install our cleanroom.  This will allow us to assemble ion trap vacuum systems and optics without dust contamination.

Control Room
The central desk is where all the ion traps will be controlled from.  The sink is for the coffee machine.

Ion Lab 1
This lab is for room temperature experiments and is where we will install our first ion trap.

Ion Lab 2
This lab is for a cryogenic experiment.  The helium to cool the trap will come through that hole in the far wall.

Ion Lab 3
Another cryogenic lab for future expansion.  For now we will use it for electronic fabrication and test.

Laser Lab
The group’s central laser systems will be locked safely away in this cozy environmentally-isolated space.  Light will be distributed to the ion labs over optical fibers.

Mechanical Space
All the heavy cryogenic machinery will be hidden away in this sound-proof and rf-shielded room behind the two cryogenic ion experiment labs.