
Continuous Variable Quantum Information Processing

The most widely-developed and successful implementation of trapped-ion QC consists of coherently manipulating two-level quantum systems (qubits), with each qubit in the processor encoded in the internal electronic spin states of a single ion.  However, two main limitations of this approach have been the speed of quantum operations and the number of available qubits (or Hilbert space size) that can be precisely controlled.  In this project we are exploring an alternative gate-based approach to QC that utilizes the motional bosonic states of ions for quantum information processing.  This approach, known as continuous-variable QC (CVQC), potentially offers a path towards substantially more efficient use of trapped ions to realize and control a Hilbert space of a given size, as well as faster quantum computing speed.

This is a joint project between Oregon, MIT, and MIT Lincoln Labs.

Metastable Qubits

While all of the basic primitives required for universal quantum computing (QC) have been demonstrated in trapped-ion qubits with high fidelity, it is currently not possible to simultaneously realize the highest achieved fidelities in a single ion species. This is a serious impediment to the development of practical quantum computers. However, there are possibilities for achieving high-fidelity, full functionality in a single species by augmenting it with new functionality.  Specifically, essential dual-species capabilities can be achieved through novel encoding schemes in metastable states, allowing user-selectable, ion-specific activation of the necessary functions on demand (e.g. storage, coupling to motion, cooling, and state preparation and measurement).

A detailed outline of our plans can be found in this paper:

omg Blueprint for trapped ion quantum computing with metastable states
D. T. C. Allcock, W. C. Campbell, J. Chiaverini, I. L. Chuang, E. R. Hudson, I. D. Moore, A. Ransford, C. Roman, J. M. Sage, D. J. Wineland
Preprint: arXiv:2109.01272

This is a joint project between Oregon, UCLA, MIT, and MIT Lincoln Labs.

Q-SEnSE: Quantum Systems through Entangled Science and Engineering

We are part of the Q-SEnSE Institute, an NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute is made up of quantum researchers in experiment and theory, science and engineering, from around the U.S. and internationally.  Q-SEnSE explores how advanced quantum sensing can discover new fundamental physics, develop and apply novel quantum technologies, provide tools for a national infrastructure in quantum sensing, and train a quantum savvy workforce.

This is a joint institute comprising of members from JILA, University of Colorado, Stanford, University of Delaware, Harvard, Los Alamos National Laboratory, MIT,​ MIT Lincoln Lab, NIST, Sandia National Laboratory, University of Innsbruck, and University of New Mexico.

Q-SEnSE Website