
David Allcock Assistant Professor &
Laboratory Principal Investigator
David Wineland Research Professor
Jameson O’Reilly Postdoc
Sean Brudney Graduate Student
Gabe Gregory Graduate Student
Evan Ritchie Graduate Student
Oliver Miller Graduate Student
Parvathy S Nair Graduate Student
Connor Burns Graduate Student
Marcus Polk Undergraduate
Max Howard Undergraduate

Join the Group:

We have open positions for Undergraduates, PhD students, and Postdocs. If you are interested in joining the group or have any questions at all please get in touch with David Allcock (dallcock [at]

If you want to join our group for a PhD and are not already enrolled at the University of Oregon, you will first need to apply to our program.  The application window for Fall 2026 admission will open in Oct 2025 – more details here.


How it Started How it’s Going
Vikram Sandhu Undergraduate
Graduate Student at Georgia Tech Research Institute in Quantum Systems Division
Chester Mantel Undergraduate
Graduate Student at Harvard in Randall Group
Andrew Lesak
Graduate Student Graduate Student at UO in Mazzucato Group
Aaron Casserly
Graduate Student at Northwestern
Ellis Ainley
Graduate Intern Graduate Student at University of Oxford in Lucas Group
Daniel Moore Graduate Student Graduated from Oregon Ions with PhD (thesis). Now Senior Physicist at IonQ.
Natalie Velez Graduate Student Graduate Student at UO in Cendes Group
Nathan Swiericzuk Undergraduate
Undergraduate at UO
Keagan Brenna Undergraduate
Undergraduate at UO
Genevieve Wages Undergraduate
Graduate Student at Galway
Jeremy Metzner Graduate Student Graduated from Oregon Ions with PhD (thesis).  Now postdoc at ETH Z¨ürich in Home group.
Alex Quinn Graduate Student Graduated from Oregon Ions with PhD (thesis). Now at IonQ.
Logan Page Graduate Student Graduate Student at UO in IFS